
Apr 12, 2020

Free download of Jungle Emperor manga on Amazon.com Japan

Currently it is available only to Amazon Kindle users and Kindle Unlimited subscribers in Japan

Category: Kimba news
Posted by: kimba

In honor of the 70th anniversary of the first publishing of the Jungle Emperor manga, Amazon.com Japan has provided free of charge Kindle editions of several works by Osamu Tezuka (and some other authors), including the Jungle Emperor manga itself.

The only requirement for the free download of the volume 1 of the Jungle Emperor manga on Kindle is that you must be an Amazon.com user as well as the Kindle Unlimited subscriber, and that subscription costs ca. $9 a month. The other 2 volumes of the Kindle edition, however, are free to download if you're just an Amazon.com user.

You can view the info/ordering page of these 3 Kindle volumes by clicking on the image below (and don't worry, Amazon.com Japan now has an option of translating its content to English; just click on the language selection button next to the main search field):